Development of speech signals and competitive noises for audiological tests
Project Description: Speech recognition tests using sentences are considered more reliable in hearing assessment and seek to simulate everyday communication situations, in which the extent of the utterance to be recognised and linguistic complexity are factors taken into account, fundamental to estimate complaints of difficulty in understanding speech. Studies of the national literature with Speech Perception Tests (Testes de Percepção de Fala – TPF) have found that there is no uniformity in the use of these materials, which makes it difficult for research purposes, comparison of findings and evaluation of data by the Ministry of Health. This lack of standardization in relation to the application of the Speech Perception Tests, can lead to erroneous indications of candidates for the use of cochlear implants, implying misuse of the resources of the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde – SUS). The project therefore aims to develop brazilian portuguese signals and competitive noise signals, such as babble noise in the Portuguese region.
Coordinator/ Participants: Prof. Stephan Paul (LVA); Ana Carolina de Assis Moura Ghirardi (Phonoaudiology UFSC); Maria Madalena Canina Pinheiro (Phonoaudiology UFSC); Isadora Koerich (Phonoaudiology UFSC); Isadora Rosseto (Phonoaudiology UFSC)
Partners: Course of Phonoaudiology UFSC.