Audiological evaluation computing platform

15/12/2021 15:24

Project Description: Despite the numerous advantages caused by the innovation and automation of exams, it is observed that in Brazil there are few software aimed at the evaluation of hearing loss, and this is due to numerous questions, among them: the lack of technology that the country faces and the high cost involved in importing technologies from other countries. Another relevant problem is the scarcity of training and assistance needed to ensure the proper use of these technologies. To address the lack of software with technology at national and seeking to promote standardized tests aimed at the evaluation of hearing loss and that bring reliable results, a free platform for audiology evaluation is being developed, called perSONA.

Coordinator/ Participants: Prof. Stephan Paul (coordinator);  Profa. Maria Madalena Canina Pinheiro (participant / Fonoaudiologia UFSC); Profa. Fernanda Zucki (participant / Fonoaudiologia UFSC) Bruna de Oliveira Bagnara (student / Fonoaudiologia UFSC);  Gustavo Trentin (participant); Bernardo Murta (alumni); Ângelo Lara (participant).

Partners: Course of Phonoaudiology UFSC.

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Project images:

Image 1: Software perSONA – Module Tonal Audiometry – Teaching.

Image 2: Software perSONA – Module Evaluation of Speech Perception in Noise.

Image 3: Software perSONA – Test application.

Image 4: Software perSONA – Audiometry History.

Image 5: Software perSONA – Main screen.