Sound quality of systems and products

08/12/2021 14:34

Sound quality of systems and products

Description: In the last 30 years we have observed a great change and technological advance of mobile telephone devices, equipment and audio devices, appliances and electronics, means of transportation, as well as the places where we work and live. These technical systems and technological products require an acoustic quality that must be designed in both engineering design and acoustic design to meet user expectations, needs and consumer satisfaction. For each stage of technological development and use of products and services there will be questions about the desired and necessary sound quality, so it is worth asking and answering: Do consumers like the sound of my product? Is the sound quality good enough?  How competitive is my product and how can I improve it? This project aims to develop procedures and strategies for mapping the sound perception of systems and products through global measurements and uni and multivariate analysis of sound quality. Specifically, the objectives are: to collect knowledge about the sensory science of sound considering from the techniques of sensory evaluation, statistical analysis, engineering design and technical solution applications; characterize the attributes of sound quality of systems and products with experimental techniques and statistical analysis; define sound quality models based on the relationships between physical measurements (with measuring devices) and sensory measurements (objective and subjective); produce and disseminate technical-scientific bibliographic material on sound quality of systems and products for professional designers, of engineering and the community involved with the manufacture of sound and audio products and technologies. This project will be developed in 6 stages, which are: acoustic and psychoacoustic characterization of sound samples of systems and products; construction of noise semantics of various systems and products; preparation of psychoacoustic models representative of the sound quality of products; preparation of graphic interfaces for evaluation with jury; construction of mathematical models of prediction; and preparation of bibliographic material to disseminate the progress of the project. 

Coordinator/ Participants: Prof. Felipe Vergara (coordinator); Eng. Henrique Alende da Silveira (participant/ POSMEC UFSC); Eng. Willian Fávero Menegatt (participant/ POSMEC UFSC); Fis. Gildean do Nascimento Almeida (participant/ LVA UFSC); Eng. Linconl César Bastos Farias (collaborator /LVA UFSC); Eng. Luiz Lenzi Neto (participant/ LVA UFSC); Arq. Poliana Lopes de Oliveira (collaborator/ PósARQ UFSC); Lucas Adelmo Santos (participant/ EMC UFSC); Robson Zdebski Mikulski (participant/ EMC UFSC)

Partners: Whirpool and Architecture and Urbanism Course of Federal University of Alagoas (Universidade Federal de Alagoas – UFAL)

Oliveira, P. L., Oiticica, M. L. G. R., & Miranda, E. F. V. (2021). Mapping of the sound landscape: impacts of the sound of faith. urbe. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana, v.13, e20210073. <>

Project images:

Acoustic map with color scales corresponding to SPL.

Graphical interface to determine the differential limit in subjective acoustic tests.

Acoustic signals with band-pass filters for subjective tests.


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